Why Denmark?
What do I need to know about healthcare in Denmark?
The Danish healthcare system offers equal and universal access for all residents.
As an international student and resident in Denmark you will have access to free medical treatments with some exceptions, such as dental care and physiotherapy.

Students from outside the EU/EEA
In accordance with the Danish Health Act, all non-residents staying in Denmark are entitled to emergency hospital care free of charge 'in the event of an accident, childbirth, acute illness or sudden aggravation of a chronic disease'.
All other healthcare services must be paid for by you or your insurance
Please note: The Danish public healthcare system does not cover transportation to your home country in the event of illness.
Students from the EU/EEA or Switzerland
If you are an EU/EEA citizen or a Swiss national and you plan to stay in Denmark for less than 3 months, and provided you are covered by a statutory health insurance service in another EU country, you can use your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to access any healthcare service that becomes medically necessary during your stay in Denmark.
You will enjoy the same healthcare services offered to residents in Denmark and the charge for these services will be forwarded to the statutory health insurance service that issued the EHIC.
Please note: Students from the Nordic countries need not show any of these documents and students from the UK need only show their UK passport.
Students from outside the EU/EEA
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen and you plan to stay in Denmark for more than 3 months, you must obtain a Danish residence permit and register with the Civil Registration System.
After this you are entitled to receive free medical treatment in Denmark.
Students from the EU/EEA or Switzerland
If you are an EU/EEA citizen or a Swiss national and plan to stay in Denmark for more than 3 months, and provided you are covered by the statutory health insurance service in your home country, you enjoy full access to the Danish national healthcare system once you have registered with the Civil Registration System.
To register you must present a S1 Portable Document, or a valid EHIC card issued by your statutory health insurance.
When registering with the Civil Registration System you must choose whether you want to be insured in Group 1 or Group 2.
Care offered by General practitioners (GPs) and specialists in Group 1 is free of charge - and you will be asked to choose a GP who will refer you to a specialist when necessary.
If you choose to be insured in Group 2, you will not be assigned a specific GP but will enjoy access to any GP or specialist on request.
However, only a part of the costs for treatment in Group 2 is reimbursed. Roughly 98% of Danish residents are insured in Group 1.
Upon registering with the Civil Registration System, you will receive a national health insurance card (‘Sygesikringskort’).
The card is your proof that you are entitled to all public healthcare services in Denmark and must be presented at all visits to doctors, hospitals and at pharmacists when collecting prescription drugs.
The card states your name, address and your Civil Personal Registration (CPR) number as well as the name and address of your doctor. It also provides healthcare coverage for up to one month on holiday trips within the EU/EEA and Switzerland.
Read more about the Danish healthcare sectorWe strongly recommend that you take out adequate insurance while studying in Denmark. The following insurance coverage is recommended:
Third-party liability insurance (‘ansvarsforsikring’)
For covering expenses if you have to pay compensation to another person
Accident insurance (‘ulykkesforsikring’)
For covering the financial consequences of an accident
Home insurance (‘indboforsikring’)
For for your personal belongings
Car insurance (‘bilforsikring’)
For If you bring a car with you, please make sure it is properly insured. If you decide to take out the insurance in Denmark, try contacting some of the larger insurance companies. Their websites are in English. Your host institution may be able to refer you to specific insurance companies